Caliente All Breed
The Heat is ON!
It's Caliente Hot in Phoenix!
Click here for interesting article on line breeding. 
Caliente members go to 2010 Premier!
Big news is that AHT Sparkle was 6th overall in the Top Ten Final.  Congratulations to Joe and Linda Dannemiller. 
Ruffy a JRT owned by Connie and Wamo Mathewson got a Best of Breed on Friday and Chrystal Rackley's JRT Ty got a Award of Merit. 

Ok club members, I need help here.  Please email me and we will post your winning Premier

July Newsletter 2010
Lure Coursing for all Breeds?

There was lure coursing for all breeds at the UKC Premier!  For a small fee you could practice and check out this new event.  For an entry fee your dog could qualify for a title.

Lure coursing is not racing.  Your dog is judged not only on how fast they run but also on their endurance, follow, enthusiasm and agility.  The course is much longer than racing but it is a good way to release some energy and enjoy the sight of a dog in full stride.  Beautiful to watch.